odo deploy
can be used to deploy components in a similar manner they would be deployed by a CI/CD system,
by first building the images of the containers to deploy, then by deploying the Kubernetes resources
necessary to deploy the components.
When running the command odo deploy
, odo
searches for the default command of kind deploy
in the devfile, and executes this command.
The kind deploy
is supported by the devfile format starting from version 2.2.0.
The deploy
command is typically a composite command, composed of several apply and exec commands:
command referencing animage
component that, when applied, will build the image of the container to deploy, and push it to its registry,an
command referencing akubernetes
component that, when applied, will create a Kubernetes resource in the cluster.an
command referencing a container component that, when applied, will run the command defined bycommandLine
inside a container started by a Kubernetes Job; read more about it here.With the following example
file, a container image will be built by using theDockerfile
present in the directory, the image will be pushed to its registry and a Kubernetes Deployment will be created in the cluster, using this freshly built image.
schemaVersion: 2.2.0
CONTAINER_IMAGE: quay.io/phmartin/myimage
- id: build-image
component: outerloop-build
- id: deployk8s
component: outerloop-deploy
- id: deploy-db
commandLine: helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami && helm install my-db bitnami/postgresql
component: tools
- id: deploy
- build-image
- deployk8s
- deploy-db
kind: deploy
isDefault: true
- name: outerloop-build
imageName: "{{CONTAINER_IMAGE}}"
uri: ./Dockerfile
buildContext: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}
- name: outerloop-deploy
inlined: |
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
name: my-component
replicas: 1
app: node-app
app: node-app
- name: main
- name: tools
image: quay.io/tkral/devbox-demo-devbox
The uri
for the Dockerfile could also be an HTTP or HTTPS URL.
It may also point to a Containerfile
Depending upon the container registry specified in the devfile.yaml
, the access for container image
pushed by odo deploy
may be private by default. For example: images pushed to Quay.io. Change the
image visibility appropriately in order to run odo deploy
Running the command
odo deploy
$ odo deploy
/ \__ Deploying the application using my-nodejs Devfile
\__/ \ Namespace: my-percona-server-mongodb-operator
/ \__/ odo version: v3.0.0-rc1
↪ Building & Pushing Container: quay.io/phmartin/myimage
• Building image locally ...
STEP 1/7: FROM quay.io/phmartin/node:17
STEP 2/7: WORKDIR /usr/src/app
--> Using cache b18c8d9f4c739a91e5430f235b7beaac913250bec8bfcae531a8e93c750cea87
--> b18c8d9f4c7
STEP 3/7: COPY package*.json ./
--> Using cache cd151181cd9b2c69fc938eb89f3f71d0327d27ffba53c54247a105733cb36217
--> cd151181cd9
STEP 4/7: RUN npm install
--> Using cache 72b79a4f76ab0f9665653a974f5c667b1cb964c89c58e71aa4817b1055b1c473
--> 72b79a4f76a
STEP 5/7: COPY . .
--> 5c81f92690e
STEP 6/7: EXPOSE 8080
--> 9892b562a8a
STEP 7/7: CMD [ "node", "server.js" ]
COMMIT quay.io/phmartin/myimage
--> 7578e3e3667
Successfully tagged quay.io/phmartin/myimage:latest
✓ Building image locally [2s]
• Pushing image to container registry ...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 0b3c02b5d746 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 62a747bf1719 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 650b52851ab5 done
Copying blob 013fc0144002 skipped: already exists
Copying blob aef6a4d33347 skipped: already exists
Copying config 7578e3e366 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
✓ Pushing image to container registry [22s]
↪ Deploying Kubernetes Component: my-component
✓ Creating kind Deployment
↪ Executing command:
✓ Executing command in container (command: deploy-db) [12s]
Your Devfile has been successfully deployed
Passing extra args to Podman or Docker when building images
Similarly to how odo build-images
works, you can set the ODO_IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS
environment variable,
which is a semicolon-separated list of extra arguments to pass to Podman or Docker when building images.
See this section for further details.
ODO_IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS='arg1=value1;arg2=value2;...;argN=valueN' odo deploy
$ ODO_IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS='--platform=linux/amd64;--build-arg=MY_ARG=my_value' odo deploy
/ \__ Running the application in Deploy mode using my-nodejs-app Devfile
\__/ \ Namespace: default
/ \__/ odo version: v3.10.0
⚠ You are using "default" namespace, odo may not work as expected in the default namespace.
⚠ You may set a new namespace by running `odo create namespace <name>`, or set an existing one by running `odo set namespace <name>`
↪ Building Image: localhost:5000/nodejs-odo-example
• Building image locally ...
[1/2] STEP 1/4: FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-14:latest
[1/2] STEP 2/4: RUN echo XXX $MY_ARG
--> Using cache cbd3ef1317b96dbef4c9ab3646df49d3770831516c3b5c9f1e15687d67bc8803
--> cbd3ef1317b9
[1/2] STEP 3/4: COPY package*.json ./
--> Using cache de4a08bf2632ef49339beeda4ba50eb6e8a9b7524ffd5717fdcc372c15003b61
--> de4a08bf2632
[1/2] STEP 4/4: RUN npm install --production
--> Using cache 5a37e2783e140582da7ac4e241790e6e2052826c07f46cc0053801f4580e728c
--> 5a37e2783e14
[2/2] STEP 1/6: FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-14-minimal:latest
[2/2] STEP 2/6: COPY --from=0 /opt/app-root/src/node_modules /opt/app-root/src/node_modules
--> Using cache 8779f5d3753baec5961b5ae017d8246b2674eb70f3c5607e4060f6b38e07c182
--> 8779f5d3753b
[2/2] STEP 3/6: COPY . /opt/app-root/src
--> 6ea250968b12
[2/2] STEP 4/6: ENV NODE_ENV production
--> 0bf4dd6605e9
[2/2] STEP 5/6: ENV PORT 3000
--> deea4247dd08
[2/2] STEP 6/6: CMD ["npm", "start"]
[2/2] COMMIT localhost:5000/nodejs-odo-example
--> eebc7c012506
Successfully tagged localhost:5000/nodejs-odo-example:latest
✓ Building image locally [3s]
• Pushing image to container registry ...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 4577dc5a9258 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 6c30129af541 skipped: already exists
Copying blob e48a40635da9 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 1a5c88cd67e6 skipped: already exists
Copying config a4bda6ab2b done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
✓ Pushing image to container registry [72ms]
↪ Deploying Kubernetes Component: my-component
✓ Creating kind Deployment
↪ Executing command:
✓ Executing command in container (command: deploy-db) [12s]
Your Devfile has been successfully deployed
Substituting variables
The Devfile can define variables to make the Devfile parameterizable. The Devfile can define values for these variables, and you
can override the values for variables from the command line when running odo deploy
, using the --var
and --var-file
See Substituting variables in odo
dev for more information.