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Version: v3

odo delete namespace

odo delete namespace lets you delete a namespace/project on your cluster. If you are on a Kubernetes cluster, running the command will delete a Namespace resource for you, and for an OpenShift cluster, it will delete a Project resource.

Running the command

To delete a namespace, run the following command:

odo delete namespace <name> [--wait] [--force]
 $ odo delete
Searching namespace to delete, please wait...
? Are you sure you want to delete namespace "odo-dev"?

Optionally, you can also use project as an alias to namespace.

To delete a project, run the following command:

odo delete project <name> [--wait] [--force]
$ odo delete
Searching project to delete, please wait...
? Are you sure you want to delete project "odo-dev"?

This command is smart enough to detect the resources supported by your cluster and make an informed decision on the type of resource that should be deleted, using either of the aliases.

So you can run odo delete project on a Kubernetes cluster, and it will delete a Namespace resource, or you can run odo delete namespace on an OpenShift cluster, it will delete a Project resource.