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odo v3.16.1 Released

· 8 min read

odo v3.16.1 is now out!

To install odo, follow the installation guide.

Notable Changes

Detailed Changelog

As with every release, you can find the full list of changes and bug fixes on the GitHub release page.

Note that there is no v3.16.0 release due to an issue with the build pipelines.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

Contributing to odo

If odo interests you, and you would like to contribute to it, we welcome you!

You can contribute to odo in a lot of different ways!

Take it for a spin 🚘 and report back bugs🐞 that you encountered, or features🌟 that you would like to see.

Help us with the documentation📜, or tell us how you used odo 🖍.

Review the PRs👀, or help us fix a failing test 🚩.

Work on the TODOs📝, or help us cleanup the code🚮.

Or, simply tune in📻 to our contributor calls and learn more about odo.

odo is your playground!

Read the developer reference guide on contributing to odo to know more.